Blog back up!

          We have decided to open our blog back up.  Several months ago we decided to make it private/close it for now.  After several rude comments we thought it might be best.  But why?  Because of UGLY  comments that come from MEAN and BITTER people.  The actions of others should never dictate what we do or how we live our lives.  We love to share photos of our family and our kids enjoy looking way back on our blog to see all the old posts (what few there have been) and memories.   
           One thing we have added is a Trim Healthy Mama affiliate link.  I have been following Trim Healthy Mama since October. Some weeks I've done great and some weeks not so much but I think it is a great plan and would encourage anyone to give it a try.  If you want to purchase THM products through this link I will receive a small percentage back.  I should say you can follow Trim Healthy Mama without buying any of their products.  You can buy most things from the local grocery store or from Amazon. I hope to share some before and after photos but since I'm still a work in progress it will just have to be Before and During for now.                                                       
          Two other things I also want to  share about  is T-Tapp and Juicing.  Both have helped me not only lose weight and inches but feel so much better.  For now though here is a recent photo from Mother's Day.  I DO NOT enjoy having my picture taken at all (fat, medium or skinny) but I regret so much that I do not have more photos of me with the family. It's silly and I hate that there aren't more photos of me and all my babies so I hope to slowly change that or at least do one every now and then.  Mamas, get IN the picture, it's okay!!!!


Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Beautiful Family...welcome back. I have been missing you. Your children are growing up!

Unknown said...

Hello dear friend! it has been awhile! So glad you are up on the blog again, and will look forward to seeing some great pics!

That is a super pic of you all! Love it! Hope all are well and maybe we can get together again sometime soon!

Always Experiencing Him,