
Three years ago this month I found out I was pregnant with our 8th baby (after thinking I had miscarried him the end of July) we were beyond excited.  Dealing with a miscarriage is difficult but doing it quietly without telling others is sometimes even harder.  After three or four weeks we realized that I was actually still pregnant and the problems I had were unrelated to the baby.  We would soon find out that he had another set of problems.  I carried Daniel till a few days short of 20 weeks.  The day we went in for another check up at the high risk OB is a day I will never forget.  It honestly feels like it could have just been a few week or months ago that all this happened.  The image we saw is forever in my mind, the pain that I felt, it was so hard to breathe, to walk or even think straight.  To come home to a house full of kids that would also have to deal with the loss was something I can never explain.

This month I want to remember the good days, the early days when we didn't know where we were heading, we didn't know what we would soon face.  I remember the late nights staying up and sewing.  I could always feel movement late and I know that he was staying up late with me.  That was our special time together.  It was an extra blessing that we were able to know he was a boy at 14-15 weeks.  Especially since we decided we didn't want to know but he was determined that we find out.  So this month is my month to remember and be thankful for the time we had with our little Daniel.  Not a day goes by that I do not think of him.  It was an awful painful experience but for the days we were together I will always be grateful.

Our Week in Pigeon Forge Part 2- May 2014-Cades Cove

My absolute most favorite place to drive through, get out and explore and just enjoy the day is Cades Cove.  Unbelievably our family had never even been there till about 5 years ago.  We have our favorite spots to stop at and this time we found a few more places along the drive that are incredible.  One of my favorite places is the little church that we stood on the steps for a picture.  I've had this picture planned forever, what I really wanted to do was a "vintage" photo shoot but didn't ever take the time to work out all the outfits, maybe one day!  We were using a tri-pod with Sammy or Morgan running back and forth.  The funny thing is someone checked that shot (I think it was me) but didn't notice that Stephen was hiding at the hand rail.  Oh no!!!!!  It was so crowded there that day we decided to pack it up and move on.  Everyone was tired and some were sunburned from our days at Dollywood but we ended up getting a few photos I really liked.  Great memories from that day!!



Visiting with Friends

                      Friday night we had friends over and it was a great time of fellowship for all.  These first few are just some stuff the kids were doing before the night got started.  Jacob has taught himself a new trick!  Our kids had a fun time just laughing and doing some silly stuff, later on it was coloring time, tricks with cups and some games.   A very fun night!

Our week in Pigeon Forge Part 1-May 2014

    In mid May we went up to the Pigeon Forge area and spent the week.  It was such a nice time to be up there.  We met up with a couple families and enjoyed some time together on two different days.  These are pictures from 3 different days.  Mostly the last two because of all the excitement the first day we didn't get many.  It was a week away to celebrate Morgan's graduation.  She asked if we could go up and spend the night some place but we surprised her and planned our visit to last longer.  It was a wonderful week and one of our favorite family trips to remember.  




Samuel turns the big "5"!

 Samuel is such a sweet little boy.  He is very affectionate and loves to give a hug and kiss.  He always greets you each morning with a hug and "good morning" with a big smile ready to start the day.  Almost always the first one up too.   One day at the public library ( one of his favorite places to go) we discovered the old Superman shows from the 50's.  That was it for him, he quickly became a Superman fan.  So he wanted a Superman birthday, no request for gifts just the Superman theme.  We searched and searched for Superman things but mostly what we found was Spiderman.  So we went with lots of red, blues and yellows and it all came together really good.  The pictures don't show all the streamers and balloons but we finally ended up finding quite a bit of stuff.  Oh yes he did have 2 requests; Superman undies and Clark Kent glasses, I forgot about those.  I thought that was so funny, just what you'd hear from a 5 year old.    Now all our guys (and girls) are big Superman fans.  I need to get a picture of all of them with their Superman shirts on.  Of course Samuel and Stephen have capes on theirs.  For about two weeks straight Samuel would take his off at bedtime, we'd wash it and hang it to dry and then right back on him in the morning.  Little boys are so much fun and quite comical too.   Happy Birthday Samuel  (our Superboy) we love you!!!