Follow Up To Please Parents Don't Fail

I love Mark Schultz. He's a wonderful songwriter and musician. Here's a song he did a few years back about the dangers of being a parent/dad that doesn't have his family in a place of priority like a leader in the home should.


Saturday August 25, 2012-It's the BIG day!!!!

She's studied long and hard.  We've spent MANY hours studying 2nd Timothy.  At times I felt like we were right there with Paul writing to Timothy and felt like we somehow knew both Paul and Timothy!!!  The scriptures spoke straight to us.  They challenged us along the way.   This has been a wonderful study for us.  The Bible Bee has made so many changes since we first started with it in its beginning  and I have to say I think this year has been a wonderful improvement as far as taking the focus off learning 600 verses and putting the focus on bible study.  We have also learned about many people throughout history that gave their lives or lived for Christ even through the hardest most difficult times.  Now in the morning we're off to Alabama.  It would be great to make it to Nationals, of course that is the goal to actually get there but knowing that our entire family has been blessed by this summers Bible Bee study, that has truly been a gift.  

Please parents don't fail!!

Here's a comment I recently read from Rick Boyer in a posting he made on Facebook:

"We don't have TV in our home; never have had. But the distractions of the internet are just as bad or worse, and we have to have it for business. The occasion of my posting the above was that last night I sinned by wasting a chunk of time on online entertainment. Nothing most people would call immoral, but it's immoral to waste our limited time on this earth. I was severely convicted for it. I know better."

This is a family we have kept up with and have learned much from reading their books. He (Mr. Boyer) even admits how the computer can waste time. I said this in an earlier post I made some time ago; "If the TV is the BEAST, then the computer/internet is the brother called the DRAGON". They can both take away precious time. God help us to not be legalistic into thinking just because we get rid of the beast, we don't have to worry about the dragon. 

My family and I still watch a very good movie that is family friendly from time to time, and I mean that in the strictest sense. No foul language, no harsh unnecessary violence (there are some civil war, historic things that can be taught at an appropriate age), no immoral images, etc.., and we even sometimes get safely on the dragon (like now),

But even being careful about all these things, I can still fail miserably as a parent if I waste time. It's that precious time God has granted me that I don't want to miss with my family. It doesn't matter how much of my story I can tell on a blog, or how much of my time I can give a friend, or my career, 
if I miss this opportunity to make an impact on the lives God has entrusted me with; I'VE FAILED!

But you don't understand, I've got a degree in......FAILED!
But you don't understand, I've been a success at....FAILED!
But you don't understand, I have an opportunity to....FAILED!

Do I make my point?

Katie turns 14!!!!

July 5th Katie turned 14.  Katie's birthday is always so much fun because there's lots of excitement with 4th of July activities that lead up to her birthday.  We had a fun night celebrating.  While we were enjoying cake and ice cream we realized that there was quite a windstorm outside. It didn't put a damper on things though we just kept on with the celebration.  Katie is probably on of the sweetest people I have ever been around.  She is a pleasure to have as a daughter and we are so proud of the young lady she is becoming.  Katie is always quick to forgive and also quick to ask for forgiveness.   She makes some fantastic brownies and cookies and always knows when her Momma is in need of chocolate. She has a very soft heart and a love for children.  She has been very interested in adoptions and has educated herself (and anyone else who will listen) with all kids of different information.  One of her gifts was a movie called "Rescued" the family that made this DVD also sent her one of their bluegrass CD's since it was her birthday.  Not your typical gifts for a girl turning 14 but this only shows just how big her heart really is. Our little "StinkerBell"  is growing up on us way too fast!!!