Katie turns 14!!!!

July 5th Katie turned 14.  Katie's birthday is always so much fun because there's lots of excitement with 4th of July activities that lead up to her birthday.  We had a fun night celebrating.  While we were enjoying cake and ice cream we realized that there was quite a windstorm outside. It didn't put a damper on things though we just kept on with the celebration.  Katie is probably on of the sweetest people I have ever been around.  She is a pleasure to have as a daughter and we are so proud of the young lady she is becoming.  Katie is always quick to forgive and also quick to ask for forgiveness.   She makes some fantastic brownies and cookies and always knows when her Momma is in need of chocolate. She has a very soft heart and a love for children.  She has been very interested in adoptions and has educated herself (and anyone else who will listen) with all kids of different information.  One of her gifts was a movie called "Rescued" the family that made this DVD also sent her one of their bluegrass CD's since it was her birthday.  Not your typical gifts for a girl turning 14 but this only shows just how big her heart really is. Our little "StinkerBell"  is growing up on us way too fast!!!

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