One Thousand Gifts

One Thousand Gifts Week Three.....

19. Making brownies with Josiah
20. Making cheesecake with my 3 girls to put with the brownies
21. We had to dig the breathing machine back out.  So thankful that we don't use it as much with Jacob as we used to but also thankful that it quickly helps him when he does need it
22. Staying up late reading good books with hubby reading his book across the room
23. Pink fingernails and toenails on Sarah-so cute
24. Time to pull out the spring and summer clothing totes
25. Swinging on the deck with the kids
26. A beautiful day at the park with friends
27. A gift from my husband with a love note attached
28. Rocky horse for Sam and Sarah to play on
29. Dad brought home another gift for Stephen from a church member.  We are so blessed by our church family blessing us with gifts and being so excited for us when we add to our family

Happy St.Patrick's Day!


This St. Patrick's day we went to the park with some friends.   We had so much fun! There were four moms and 20 kids there.

Here is a picture with only some of the kids.

There were so many girls there (aren't the twins cute?)

All the kids decided to play red rover.  I didn't get that close of a picture they were running too fast.


We are going to start reading the Viking Quest series by Lois Walfrid Johnson tonight as a family.  Morgan found them at the First Baptist Library and wanted to buy them with her birthday money.  They have such good Irish history in them so we thought tonight would be a good night to start (to learn more about this series you can go HERE.)

I hope you have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!

♥ Wordless Wednesday ♥


Ask yourself as a Christian:
Do I go where my Master says I can go?
Do I talk as my Master wants me to talk?
Do I act like my Master wants me to?
Do I really have a Master??

Very  respected pastor and author John MacArthur gives us some insight.

Blog Under Construction-New Things Ahead

In our spare time we have been doing new things to our blog. It is currently "under construction" and changing a little bit here and there. Morgan has been investing some of her free time learning the ins and outs of blog design. She enjoys learning new things and this one is definitely something that you can put a lot of time into. We hope to be updating our Family page soon also. Here are a few things we are planning to do when time allows.  1. Right now Morgan plays piano and is also instructing Josiah, Katie and Jacob on the piano. Sammy is teaching Josiah some beginning guitar and Josiah just got his own guitar to learn with. Morgan and Katie have become very interested in the Irish Whistle. Sarah loves to sing lots of songs and anything from the musical Sound of Music. Samuel mostly just likes to dance to the music. With all this music going on we hope to add pictures of them with their instruments and also let you hear some of it too on our Music page. 2.As far as our homeschooling page we want to expand on what we do and also post pictures to remind us of all we've done through the year. 3. For our What we believe page we want to clearly share our beliefs and also expand on our family worship time together. We also may throw in things about our church on this page and all the exciting things that are going on there. Thank you to all of you who visit with us and we hope that our family is a blessing to you. Now if we can just get all these things accomplished! We are excited to see what God has in store for us this year.


1000 Gifts

One Thousand Gifts Week Two...

10.Hiccups and Giggles from a two year old princess
11. Screams of excitement from Sam when he sees that daddy is home.
12. My oldest son becoming a young man and wanting to help his mama.
13. Games of chess being played over and over.
14. Sisters that laugh all the time.
15. Words of kindness and encouragement from wiser women.
16. Late night baby sounds I hear across the room.
17. This same baby that is finally sleeping through the night
18. A blue eyed boy that has the sweetest smile

 ...Be thankful to Him and bless His name.~Psalm100:4


Missy and I have been blessed with many friends through the years and my wife just experienced love yesterday from a very authentic friend in blogger world. Some amazing person out there sent my wife a copy of the book "One Thousand Gifts". What a blessing! It reminds me of the devotion my children and I did last night on love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says: Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
This gift of love was done unprovoked, and by an unidentified giver.
Clearly not parading itself.
Whoever you are, I commend you for being Christ-like. No, not because of the gift itself; because of the love you showed to my wife through the act of selflessly giving to bless her.

In an age where enemies abound, disguised as love-givers. Ones that un-authentically show unauthentic love and completely show their  "love" to match up with the above verse; except removing all the not's when they are listed, and adding them when they are "not";
It is refreshing when someone comes along and shows their love is truly genuine.