When will we learn?

1) The more popular something is usually means the less Christ-Like.
2) Everything really does come down to my relationship with Jesus Christ.
3) Satisfaction is not in a ministry or life goal, but in Jesus Christ.
4) Children ARE a blessing and most families want and have few.
5) Love is not based upon feeling but on commitment.
6) Being in debt is a curse and most families want, and have a great deal.
7) Worship is not a style of music or preaching.
8) A good sign of a growing church is NOT how many people are attending.
9) Success is only measured by how successful we are in submitting and following Jesus Christ and His mandates, not our career.
10) The mission field begins at home and the first disciple is your spouse.

Sam's Haircut

Sam's first Haircut!


Lots of Links

It's a busy Friday around here but I had to take time to mention 4 things:
Morgan has a new blog that she has been working on. It has a bit more of an "older girl" feel to it. 
It is so pretty and she has done such a good job with it. I only wish I could do things like this. 
Visit it HERE.

Our friends, The Munck Family are having a giveaway and they are also sharing about how their family made some changes to find simplicity, and a peaceful lifestyle. This would be a great DVD for any family to have. They also share about The Maxwell Family and the wonderful ministry that this family has. Visit their blog and giveaway HERE.

Moore Family Films have released several documentaries on The Family!  We have 3 of these and love them.  We bought these shortly after Daniel had passed away, and they were truly an encouragement to us.  Right now you can watch one for free during the month of April.  It is well worth your time.  We usually watch one of these at least once a week. They're having a special price right now and it would be a great investment at such a low price. There are lots of extras on the DVD that I actually find just as enjoyable to watch as much as the main part. The other movies they sell are just as good and we can't wait to see the next one.  

There is a link-up at Tesha's Treasures for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillborn, and the death of an older child. Tesha has found so many things online that are meant to help Moms and Dads with their grief. Somehow I came upon her blog one day and realized that we had both lost our little boys at about the same time. This link up tells of so many that have lost children of all ages. It has been hard to read, but it has shown me that I need to write down all the details of our time with Daniel. I don't want to forget anything about our short time with him. I will never forget him, but I want to be able to remember not only his passing, but those weeks that we had with him. The ultra sounds, hearing and seeing his little heartbeat for the first time, finding out by accident very early that he was our 5th son,  sharing with family and friends about him and all those exciting things that go along with finding out you have been blessed again with a baby.  These things I want to always treasure even though our time with him was so short.  
