Sarah's surgery went pretty good on Monday. She did great at first but then started getting a little nervous and asked to go home a few times. Her doctor decided to not take out quite as much as he had planned on at first so we were glad about that. She only has about 8 or 10 stitches. He also did a great job on her hair and instead of one big bald spot it just looks thin through there. We think he did a great job especially for the are he was working on. She was pretty sick after the surgery even though they gave her something for her stomach. She was just pitiful at the hospital and on the ride home. When we got home she was so glad to be back with everyone. I think we all collapsed for the night before dark and fell asleep. Just about everyone was awake and stayed awake when we left around 5 that morning.
The incision started bleeding just last night because she hit it somehow and that was scary but hopefully it didn't hurt it too bad. We waited all week for the biopsy results and the office called Friday and said everything looked good. We are so thankful!!! When I saw it was them calling on the caller ID I almost couldn't even say hello when I answered. We are so appreciative of all the comments, texts and phone calls we have received. We have started our journey with essential oils too and look forward to seeing how we can use them in healing. I have been wanting to learn more about oils for sometime now and my very dear friend let me borrow her bottle ( must remember to return this) and I will always be grateful. Our church prayer line had a daily and specific prayer sent out for Sarah each day. This was above and beyond what we even expected when we asked others to pray for us. We thank the Lord for what he has done for Sarah. Josiah and Jacob love to make movies with our video camera. They had an old tape in and showed me what they had found yesterday. It was Sarah at about 7 months old sitting in the floor. She looked adorable but what really got us was how she kept bending her head over and you could just see how huge her "spot" was. The doctor asked us again right before the surgery when and how we noticed that it was fading. When Sammy was explaining it to him he said that the Lord had done it all and we really had no other way to explain it. He said that we were extremely blessed and the doctor totally agreed. I'm thinking about taking that little video and showing it to him. He has pictures of her when she was a baby but it would be good to show him with a live video.
So this has been a really tough week. Never did we think we would be at Children's hospital in Chattanooga 2 times in a week but we spent some more time there on Thursday. Stephen fell straight back off our dining room table bench and hurt the back of his head. He was in so much pain!!! He wouldn't play, eat, or do anything except just want to be held and that is SO not Stephen. We even tried to give him his favorite candy but he wouldn't take it. After about an hour or so he didn't won't to walk around, was constantly squinting his eyes and then the projectile vomiting started. We headed straight for the hospital in Cleveland and wasted many hours there. I only wish I had drove straight to Children's but he was getting so much worse very quickly and fear set in so I wanted him to have the quickest care possible. I've decided to be nice and not say anything bad about our experience but I also can't say it was good either. I've delivered 6 of my 8 babies at that hospital and LOVE the womens center but the care we received Thursday was just not what it should have been. The doctor told us there was really nothing they could do for him there if he had a brain bleed so we were sent to Chattanooga. I really wish it hadn't taken him 3 hours to decide that. I went with him on the stretcher on a bumpy ride down the interstate in the ambulance. About the time we were leaving Cleveland he started to perk up some and by the time we made it to Chattanooga he was doing great and couldn't even tell anything was going on. I was so afraid he would scream all the way there but he actually just laid on top of me and held on so tight he didn't move. I know he was so scared and really wanted to go home. The doctor there said if it were a brain bleed he would NOT be doing better by this time. It had already been almost 6 hours since it happened. He felt like the radiation form a CT scan would be worse for him and wasn't needed after all because he was doing so well. We stayed around for awhile and then headed back home. The doc there said he had probably given himself a mild concussion and that's why he was getting so sick and felt terrible.
I am totally exhausted after our crazy week but I've got so much to be thankful for too!!! We also have a birthday to celebrate, Jacob is turning 9 and has been awake off and on all night because he is so excited it's his birthday. Jacob is the sweetest boy even though he can drive me nuts with all his energy. He has a big heart and cares about others so much. I know this has been a hard week for all the kids and we can't wait for life to get back to some kind of normal next week!!! I am so proud of all my kids they have been so good to do whatever was needed this week. It's very reassuring to know that the older ones can handle things when Mom and Dad are in a crisis time. From cleaning up throw up carpet ( yes I did run out of the house before I cleaned it all up) to taking care of the little ones and then making sure the house ran smoothly I can say I am one proud Mama. When I was their age I was too into myself and the good time I was supposed to be having and cared little about being mature and helping others. I feel sad for parents when I hear them talk about their rough relationship with their kids. No mine are not perfect but I know I've got some really good kids too!!! Also all our music students on Thursday have been so understanding about our emergency that day. Especially one great young man who had his lesson interrupted repeatedly by me when I kept calling Sammy on the phone trying to figure out what to do. I've said it many times, not what I expected my week to be but thankful everything worked out for good. We are blessed!!!
You and family are in our prayers! So sorry for the rough week you have had, but it is reassuring to know that God is still in control. =] Hope all will settle down now, and may God grant you a week of blessings!
Would love to get together again soon! ^__^
So thankful Missy that all are doing wonderful! What a stressful week for you with Sarah's surgery and Stephen's accident, but also what a blessing to know God is there with us during those times of trials. He is such a good and great God!
Yes, you have some wonderful children and are so good at helping whenever needed.
Still praying and thinking about you! Let me know when all are well enough for an outdoor get together around the fire pit and maybe a hayride! :)
Maybe we can get our Bible study together as well, still looking forward to it.
Always Experiencing Him,
Missy bless your families heart, many prayers that all is well with your children and you.
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