Samuel's Birthday

We celebrated Samuel's 4th birthday by going to see Monster's University!  It was such a cute movie and Samuel's favorite character was Mike.  Afterward we came back home to open presents and eat  cake.









Lynda said...

How cute!!! My older daughter would have loved to be at this party. She and my husband saw the movie and enjoyed it, too.

Unknown said...

How fun!!!

I know everyone had a blast! Looks like the whole family had fun getting his preparations ready. Glad you had a great day!

Look forward to seeing you all soon, maybe after ALL this rain...
We went to Cades Cove yesterday with all my family, yes, in the rain, but we had a great day, didn't get home til after 11! Will post pics soon!
Have a blessed day Missy!

Always Experiencing Him,

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Looks like fun...Hi Missy how did your homemade bread come out?

blessings Teresa