What does this week really mean to a Christ follower?

An Easter Musical and Drama
Waterville Baptist Church
March 25, 2013 6:00 p.m.

     This is a very important time of the year.  It mean so much more than what the world tries to make it.  I love chocolate!!!  I love to buy pretty dresses and shirts and ties and all that good stuff.  When I was a child the focus wasn't on  going to church to celebrate it was getting home to eat the ham and hunt eggs.  This was my viewpoint as a child.  I was told the true reason to celebrate, I'm sure but I still don't remember the importance being put where it should have been.
      Our family has been watching an old movie about the death of Jesus.  The little ones have lots of questions.  They are so young and still can't believe that Jesus had to go through so much.  They haven't seen any graphic parts {youngers ones 8 and under) but they have seen the actor carrying that heavy cross.  It is so hard for them to understand that he went through this for us.  We as adults take it for granted too.  We say we want to live for the Lord yet all we do is grumble, complain, backbite, for some even use profanity and live a life than in no way speaks Christlike.   We are prideful, arrogant and sometimes downright rude and hateful.  There are no big or little sins I know but to an unbeliever my attitude says so much.  This week I am challenging myself to pay close attention to the way I treat others.  Sometimes a kind word and bit of encouragement will mean more to some than a thousand sermons preached.   There are many who will make that once a year trip to church on Easter but there are many more who won't.  We never know when we may have an opportunity to show God's love.  May we always start in our home first showing Gods love, learning, teaching, training and equipping so that we are able to go out and share the love of God with others.  


Unknown said...

Great post Missy! You are so right about our attitudes. They speak volumes to the Christians and to the non-Christians. Thank you for the reminder to keep our attitudes and even the tone of our voice in check, in line with God's Word. Of course, if we are staying IN His Word, it will show and it will be what is heard by others.

I think we do put a damper on the Resurrection Sunday as well, we focus so much on Jesus' blood and the sacrifice, and of course, there would be no life without it, but we tend to stop there and not really focus on THE RESURRECTION itself. Without it His blood would have been "just another sacrifice." Oh, give thanks for the Resurrection, the New Life He has given to us AND His Blood that washes us "whiter than snow."

Sorry, Missy, I guess I "posted" on your comments. *grin*

Hope you all are well, I am sick AGAIN, even have a beautiful case of the pink eye! AAAggggghhhhh!

Please pray sickness leaves us soon! Sarah had been, but is better now. Thanks for all your prayers for our family and friends who lost their baby, they will be ok, but you know, it will still be hard at times.

Love to you all!

In His Grace,

Unknown said...

Amen so very well said!!! I wanted to let you know my blog address changed so to see updates you will have to go to the new addresses and re join Google friends connect this is the address. http://www.teshatreasures.com/ SO happy to read the testimony about Sara also. praise JESUS!

Unknown said...

Hi sweet mommy what A mess I have made I am sorry but could you please refollow my blog here

Hi friends,

OK I have been in a blogger nightmare the last few days. My .com was high jacked and I have been trying to work out all the kinks so
Google friends connect and feeds will still work. I think I did it!!!!

Even if you already re subscribed once IT IS NOT WORKING. I had to adjust some sight settings and you need to do it again.

Anyway I want to ask once more time that you would visit my new URL and resubscribe through which ever reader you uses.


This is the instructions to resubscribe through Google friends Connect

Go to my new address http://teshastreasures.blogspot.com/

Go to Google friends connect and sigh in,
Then go to options, sight settings hit stop following this blog (on the right hand side)
Next refresh the page
last re-follow the blog

I am so sorry for the hassle. I love the relationships we have built through the internet let keep them going!
Thank you so much for your support and understanding!