One Thousand Gifts

I have been so encouraged by Ann Voskamp's blog.  I didn't know how hugely well known she was until here lately.  I thought she was just a regular Mom like me( and of course she is) but now I see her name all over the place.  When I started reading her blog it was obvious to me that she had much wisdom for her young years  Just the music alone will make you set back and relax.  I hope to get her book soon.  There are actually two books that I have been wanting to get.  This one and Large Family Logistics by Amy Brenneman.  Haven't decided on what book  I will get first, either will be great I'm sure so probably the one with the better price but for now I have decided to join others on this journey of 1000 gifts.  It's so fitting to have this on a Monday since Mondays are normally Very hard days at least for me!                           

1. God's Protection During Strong Storms
2.  Newborn Baby Smiles
3. A Clean Kitchen
4. Guitar Music
5. Healthy Children
6. John 3:16
7. Piano Music
8. Children Who Love To Sing
9. Hugs From My Husband


Laura said...

What a wonderful list...and Happy Monday to you!!! Guess what we were sick over the weekend, glad we held off on our get together.

Lynda said...

What a great idea - - a list of 1,000 gifts. We should all work on that every single day! Mondays are difficult for lots of us but Praise God when we are healthy enough to enjoy all of it. Good health is definitely one of the very best gifts.