Defender- New favorite song

About two weeks ago Sammy had a new song for us to listen to.  He told Morgan he wanted her to learn it so she could play for him when he introduced the new song.  It's not odd for him to have a new song for us to listen to so I figured it would be pretty good and  continued whatever I was doing as he played it.  I was not prepared for just how good this song was and how much I would love it.  I think we played it about 10 times in a row that night and I have probably listened to it 50 times since then (not counting listening to Morgan practice it on the piano).  I enjoy it so much so I thought I would find it on the internet.  I love how the choir really enjoys this song.  The words are just amazing.  At the end of the video it shows the young man who wrote it.  God has blessed him with a great talent and Wow that hair is really something.

A Fun Filled Day In The Snow

Last night it snowed for the second time this winter.  The kids had a blast!
Here are some pictures of their fun day.

Can you tell we are unprepared Southerners?

Mom and Stephen preferred the indoors.

*Pr 25:13*

*As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the* soul of his masters.

A November and December Birthday

Josiah's birthday was November 23. He turned 10 years old. He wanted a cowboy theme for his birthday.




Morgan turned 15 on December 5.  She wanted a candy cane theme since her birthday is close to Christmas.

Her daddy gave her chocolates and roses.
